Tags are functional units which are invocable from within templates by using the {% %} block syntax.
In general, you will need to read the documentation per tag to know how to use it correctly in a given situation.
If you are interested in implementing a tag of your own, see Writing Custom Tags.
List of built-in tags:
- For - Basic for loop – {% for i in list %}
- Include - Include another template – {% include 'header' %}
- If - Display content based on a predicate – {% if showTitle %} {{ title }} {% endif %}
- Extends - Inheritance mechanism
Django built-in tag progress
Below is the list of current Django tags, with information on their implementation status.
- Autoescape - Implementation defered until post alpha.
- Block
- Comment
- csrf_token - Implementation defered until post alpha.
- CycleTag
- Debug - No plans to implement. Might implement if need arises.
- Extends
- Filter - No plans to implement.
- FirstOf - Implementation defered until post alpha.
- For
- If
- IfChanged - Planned for alpha
- IfEqual - No plans to implement. Just use If ==
- IfNotEqual - No plans to implement. Just use If !=
- Include
- Load - No plans to implement. The module system in place will not be callable from within templates.
- NowTag
- Regroup - No plans to implement. Blurs the presentation vs model layer line.
- Spaceless
- Ssi - No plans to implement. Semi-deprecated in Django.
- TemplateTag - No plans to implement. Use verbatim or raw.
- Url - Implementation defered until post alpha. Unsure of the exact form this will take.
- Verbatim
- WidthRatio - No plans to implement. You can more easily do this in code.
- With - Planned for alpha.