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stencet v0.1.16
01 April 2013
rikitiki v0.1.67
01 April 2013
Working with tuples part II
27 March 2013
stencet v0.0.6
24 March 2013

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All projects below are ones I’ve developed and maintain. All of them are available under the MIT license — I know how frustrating it can be to have to reinvent something for a commercial product. However, I do expect that whomever uses these projects contribute back as they find things that need fixing or can be done better.


Documentation | Repo

rikitiki is a project aimed at adding developer convenience to writing web server modules.

It provides integration into mongoose and apache, and contains easy to configure and use routing functionality. Optionally, it includes support for the ctemplates library as a templating engine. (More…)


Documentation | Repo

Stencet is a templating engine made in the vein of liquid template and Django. It’s goal is to be fast, but also easy to use, especially from the designer side. The language itself is meant to be a drop-in replacement for Django’s templating, although many tags and filters still have to be added. (More…)



Mxcomp is a base library that both stencet and rikiktiki use for general utility functions. The repo for this library is subrepoed from the libraries that use it, so you shouldn’t have to explicitly grab it unless you want to reuse it.

It includes: