rikitiki  v0.1.67
Build C++ web server modules that allow easy routing and deployment.
rikitiki::examples::MultiTypeModule Struct Reference

#include <multiType.h>

Public Member Functions

void Register (Server &server)
void zigzag (ConnContext &ctx, const std::string &a, float b, double c, int d, char e, const std::string &f)

Detailed Description

Example to test out two things:
  • That we can handle multiple types – simple types, etc.
  • Show that apply tuples bottoms out in one call. Ditto for modern_scanf. You can do this by running

    valgrind --tool=callgrind --dump-instr=yes ./multiType

    and then viewing the resulting call graphs from a url like: http://localhost:5000/mt/test/1.23/1231.2123/10/a/testing/matchthistoo

    Verified to behave as expected in v0.1.38.

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